Apparat Walls Rar 320 Main

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2 pails & jllSCBLLANKOUBV Stotrat. TAiLomna and Dvsxrio USTUJLXSITIVIEIVT. 'm xxrr OW BAUD A LAR41 ajio t BWO&DS AUD 8ASHXS, LWATI A JX. Uct aaaortaaaait T.

  1. Apparat Walls Rar 320 Main Cabin

BRIGGB ' For Officers of the Army - For all frwd- e of offl.' Paaa auta, hLoul.Wrlraaa, Ac TMr4 atrct, aetweei Slalat mm.TIarkat. Of omcera and rrrlmwtita, er aay iMorlyOoti deairnd etched on blade. Ko aword will ue aoid withoot bavinf aaad through -' aevere trial.

An entirely new anil aaeful articU of OFFICERS AMMIMTION BOX, (Inventnl. And ab-e-a Uk. N to r E:EI VED DAILY FEB EXPRESS, FBE.SH, FAT IW procura pwtoiit, by J.

Tlirat hbuhl i, contajniiiR anil Luaclona. Prate and aafe partitions kr Pwder-flak-.

TOCNO and eaM, ranridtfea, or aiiBilra, arrvw- d river and wrench. ConMautly GKOlTE ami alt etn.e a.n.Kt. Tnnrl ou huu.t, aill be terie.1 lu llrn claaa t 1 Um article ia very and can be worn on a com horn trie. Wholesale and retail, at lowest rm.h price, aril d'W refutation or hoiililrr-tB-. Will arnva L., b and ataTTen Pin A!leti in flnl rate ordor attiw hed.'

Obj- t for a CO. All goods o ur ri.- ntmiiiy anj moderate pricae a4.

Sola AivaU fi.r D. CAW KIN Dissolution. IelubraoJ Stock Al. J.UIKftC llllt II L't Jewelry M. Re, fruiic pabtnlbsiup ii ebetofobe So. Z2 eolith ai.leof Slain, iin.l-L l.'

Luwn tlm the stlo of T. DelO one door Third ei. CO., ha born by mutual coin. AND TO INFORM HIS FBIEND t., Let.

Third Fourth, North Ride hi patron, that ho has removed from on old.14.4 rHl.UK THE ABOVE NAMED WOBK IS r(.Ni; on Market etroet, and has opined oltii-ethat aurpawe anything we.4 of the II. M l at) Mountain.

He d.a- Ins work iu a Lsutiful th.I.i.that Third St., bet. Main and Market and on mechanic ran u.

I a- hut a tru-dCor. Preston and Washington St., tin?

Economy in require, send,your clothe, along and in a-doing. And ell u).-dMild uav' then.

Right Wliers be will keep the lrat quality of them to the ctruUu thaty.- X'o. JUS Jefferson FATIIEfi TO OF A KOBTH CAKOLINA Coal!

OTMONTGOMERV'S Coal!' An Inalde Vlewof irwn it tr. WATCHES L JEWELRY, soy. A roxsntll'T The Washington Republican has rcceiTed from Csp-Harrovcr, of the Second District regimeLt, a letter, taken from the body of a rebel soldier in one of the late battles in Maryland, which has been forwarded for We make the following expublication. From this epistle, which illustrate one tracts phase of this wicked rebellion. We omit names and particular localities, so as not to involve the writer in difficulty: r' d.i take id. R' en v'.::'r i

Some boU'lnn who know I hey would merit. I have t hoi linio to h, to no on their own.ot t iiieiit 't, C'ioimei ex.i. Hiind a stylos, that I niske up at nnt V.wtinv. Of th lal.t Liidn-eaeiid your drt-ti-, ( Mill the t lino, iri'-eelm' K Ac, ahn! Mi.d have them Imiutihilly rkan.-d-. Quicksurf 2007 crack. Having oiir woik well unity Embrace the t it leiorc winter a cold lone. If not, you will blast bis over.

LU iiit'inlM-rJ. SIONTCJOMFUVK, eon No. '- ' turners It' ' rv r 1 li irt icn Georgetown College, Ky. Shell Oy s to r s Coal, 3PittjEloxxis t.xitin: flMIK fl'BSCRIBEB ST. XEcGILL, 1J r they are conscripting.

The conscripts here are the maddest men you ever saw. They say they don't intend to fight. They can make them go, but they can't make them fight. The most of them say they intend to go to the North the first chance; and I don t blame them, for there is no justice in such a war.

There never will be peace till they kill off all the men, or they all rebel and come home; for it is given up by all the smartest men in this country that the North will whip and the sooner the better. 1 don't want you to fire auother gun nt the North, if you can heln it. Bo like some of the rest shirk out of it. They say it is no disgrace. Started I heard this evening that this morning for the army. Lie has gone after his son D.

He says he is under age, and he will fetch him home to stay. There are about 900 men at Warm Springs now, in camp. They are drilling every day. I can't tell you anything about my feelings. Nobody knows my troubles but myself.

Your poor father has a great deal on him, as your sisters' families are now on my hand, since their husbands have tone to the war. There is a great deal of L sickness here. J has not gone yet. He has been trying to get somebody to go in his place, and failing in that, lie made an effort to get appointed deputy postmaster, and various other ways to gi t himself exempt. He says the Yankees will never get a pop at him.

Lie and old G are the very men who ought to go, but they are the last who will. Since 1 began this Utter, I have ascertained that your Colonel has a perfect right to lot you off, on ascertaining your age, so my dear son, I have great hopes of seeing you in a very short timt.

You will have to pay back your bounty money before you can get off. Your brother and sisters send their best love to you.

Write soon and let us know what your Colonel says. We still remain, as ever, your affectionate father and mother until death. In vain will the father, mother, and dear friends look for the coming of the 'dear boy.' 'Broken pledges' sent the son to the bloody field of death. Waiting hearts, which beat high with the hope of a epeedy return of the loved one, will wait in vain. Hope, fear, doubt, and despair will follow each other, as the intelligence of 'missing' is brought home. The bitter words of the father, 'there is no justice in such a war,' will burn into the hearts of many bereaved ones, who reflect for a moment ou the cause of all this.

True-heart- Proclamation by tho Governor., Commonwealth, of Kentucky- AT MUCKS TO C1T TIIK TIMK8. AL0 ClikW ING ANI tMOK rp. Id i.f rliuicf A INU TOBACCO. Alao, a larire Pipes, Tobacco Pouche9, Tobacco Boxes, &c, Kept constantly on hand. B.TAYLOR &Co. Baoctwaora to F. KulJing Dealers t Co., ul TTay, at our, mi Ki.ui lh LuuiirillA, March atrn-t-, IWi.

BROBSTON TITOS. WiLLIAMS & CO., orlh side Marhft, bet. Third 1 Fourth. TO introduck watkk in II AVK 10 jHrrinng, Mon, ractori.-ain con aaar Cuuipaii)', on r a'li will. LUo iA.umvlJle able teriua.

In the hiiaineaa, e llavinc tia a lone fTperl.-lictruarauUMJ ail.f our wuik U lit diie in m prupcr mau- I.T. Water rloM'tx, Wawli Banina, Italltirtf Apparatiia, 8ii)kN, av.

I I I.UK iu I lie I'lumlnug Inn, niy&dtf andpottip. Old U ral her, and m Betremt.; 80C1ETIRS' BKGAtlA MADE TO OBI) ICR. Ordrra Prompt lr FIHcd. SlT MHITH KTTiKKT. NEXT IKKK TO M I Rart HaU, ImiavilW, Kf.

IolSdly NEW-STOR- FOB It J.C. S AT in: IN IMS NEW STORE 8ath aide, Carpeting, IIKTWEKN 3IAKKET fc Noiu- tl.e rrHukort JUIlroail Depot, LOUISVILLE, aul dly ZEV. It Frauklln Znsurauco Coaipauy.

DIKEOTOKSr.' Willinm Garvin, Jatuui B.

Wilder,: Willi.m tiny,- Samncl L. X.M.k, WiIIi.ibi HoKb.,. Lie w, C.rc V. Lin Kerunw.n, Jr., '. (ivoree Anil.

Rsoa, Wnrrt-New.xiiuU, Joseph T. Tli.- alve Company ooril inn.

10 inmru tin il.linc and tbi-il.w nrd.ima!rc by fire, nud content to do a ci l Mki iiim Lusiiieaa. '1 ue Ion stajidiiic and Kncc.nM.if llus (.mpj.ny eniule it to of thfcoinmnniry. Alilml patmnne i wilinct Ar.KA.HAM fi ITK, u.:rint s, and aa manv new orw- a BoeMihle. Have the aor ioraof K. BAN BALL, h i tin. Late of the ISew tork More, aa Soldiers, Attention!.c.

Al CAPITAL Marrh l'th, LooUvllle, 0.Vvixy Boots. LEATHER CAVALBT BOtT8; do; paira (all do do do; do flue ftlf DreMa Sater-ptoo- f do; 34 do Calf 24 do flue Calf Cutotu-mtdo; For aaU low by NORTH, Market atrwt, an?S Nv.uil d.or a hove Thud tl from the laU:at or ca.n JlEADQUARTKaS, LOCI8 VILLE, KEHTUCKT, LOL'ISVILLF., Oct.

Special Order No. Special Order No. 19, closing coff. And drinking saloons, is hereby rescinded; but Special Order No. 25, prohibiting the selling of liquors to soldieis remains in full force; an 1 any violation or evasion of the same, will cause the imprisonment of the offender and the confiscation of his block. T.j order of lirig.-GeBoyle.

I niRmA MARE vieit army, jiimI arrive. In iIih.ul.iirl i.t tl.e biasoat in tha city. Nmre iea aniall tay and nicked, no mhit. AUnit the her. Lha huffy l.aa a top, iiln.ut aide: tanii. It l filv.- r mounted, the ru i.P.

T), top t the d o. A benn broke, n. Ar mi.t.lle and t.y havinz a cylinder inio whi. H tl.e broken eu.U are A lioernl reward will I Kiv.n tor the, ut, n an will emil.le mi-lu pet them. 1 he man l.irvd them ia Iron.

Ja kaon cmiiity, ladutna, and that may, i have in I do not think he would run awav wilh than. Iri Boots, Shoes and Hats. 1NGALLS, OOM MISSION MEBCHAKT AND HATS. 'WfttaD toIVVITE k rnE ATTExrmu OF Tns trade bit tv of thoen UooK which areotur if ed at iiianuturlur.-r- 31 Tents! y 1 VM. L'KINTED ML'? LIS BELAJXK aud for aula by JAMES LOW J and KIU Sixth.

R., anSdtf Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IM WTiolcsale Groccr AND DEALER IN. Poroign HT'anxlts. New 1.11 Thlrw Jllatf atrret, krlew Maia, west Special Notice. Green atreet, VEHHOEFF ill.-, O. Tr AMD GRAIN DEALERS, l.onr-'livh- qui.rte- i Patent 10 Wall or Fourth at., bet. Main and Biver, LOUISVILLE, KT.

11.11 EST CASH I' BICES PAID FOB ALL KIM ol tiraia delitaredou river. MmS7 H 1 ASTROLOGY. ISABEL SNELL IS LEAVIMi LOU-r.i iaviile tor a tint- -, and l it.e thnt her ah.Hil.1 not K.i-nit 1 8 MADAM ler. Without 325 TIIH AXTELOPR- f 1U OASES CHOICE STYLE KPRIXG rKINT!i.v.! Do r I'urple do; ft do f!n?

K and White In;. lMi Ail Kedlhints reooived and f alo clienj) ly m IXAIX. FiLA-Vl- (,!: Jnt The ordinance to guard against hydrppho-bi- a will be etricty enforced from and after A CARD. This date, for the period of siity days.

BBANDFI8 HAS BEMOVEP HIS.I.U.f tnnrlh XJ deUCM allli OftllV In tka m. Beelwwa Green r and Walnut 'Nn.UMaiCEJ - jyiALTBY'S Tblrd ftretit, M. Market and JelTtraon, LOUISVILLE, KY., BALTIMORE OYTEBd, HALF TjtRESn and Ltj!, pinked in i.:e, IN CJAN' daily i.y teceie. Tne dty, ronntry towna, aleambnata and Trade in ff.l.- mmm n nirpll.- l at the low.-n- t rate, and In all and mnti dtf rasee warranted M. Cbarl.a Hull.

It, & cbV LOUISVILLE MARBLE WORKS, Cireeu f. Thtrtl mid Fourth, LOl ISVILLK, ia. Mttldoow UAS REMOVAL, IBrandois Third trd. RW my 10 4tf Oraford, GRAIN DEALERS, lieat I'iii '. BESI-fc riHEESE.- A I llam'iuif 4 KMALL Pl'PPLY OJ NEW YOKE Cheeae juel a.

Luaui, lr t ourtn (treet. O niu.tuus 3 BOXE.S FOXJS store aud lor sale by ew. PTES srjIDAT,:0ft P. L.t.L ' EXPEESSWDall, tnonnaiiki T li run '? L IN 6 Leaves St. Aad 5:n Banking imme.iiate couueetioa at MitoheU with S.iiih-bonu-.l Train, arriving at New Albany at 7:30 p.

And i:3a A.M. ONLY ONE CHANGE OP CARS TO ST. BOTJai- Ua LU1LAUUI a4 BAGGAGE CHECKED TUBuCGH.- V ST' This Boad rnns the only Trains fr.m LonliviJI. Connecting wilu th.

Ohio aua Aliasisa.ppi Kaiiroad. Thrnneh Ticket, and fnrther lnformatk) apply at ihsGKMKAL k AILHOAi Ol k ICE, aoutL crnerof Main and Third atreeta, Loai.vuie, Bl. Are run by Louisville time. Wt A.B.CLLVIB,Sa't. PAasia, Agent. GtJt LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE 0 II ATI G 22 OF TIME. ANU AITEB WEDNESDAY.

INM-nge- APBIL, a, and Pmiyht Tmm will run through to Kthrebetd oPD.ile NuhviliK) rL. Passenger Trains will LonlrtvilU dUy at T43 Tive at Ed ce Held at r. V 'i weaLjcueld at I owa, a., erriviugft.

At Keturnin LouiavUie Memphis Branch Train will leave Bow linr green ' '7 tuaU.tys excepte4 at 2:15 p. N arrival of I ruin from LouisviUn. Re turning will arrive at wlinfnwii at li:lii a.

A., aud counect with Traia.m Naehville for Louinille. Wave daily ( Snnday. Memphis T Naalivilu. And Brauch at 3:iia.

A',;ly (except Snada) ft' w' II tr. Ithm fir main Lebanon and Mratphla ranches, niut u. I., by Vtw p.

A r.u l.r ll:tnlstoau will leave daily (except Snadai) i t:M r. All.I J u.i- a rtb of Bards town Junction must be in Depot bf B. MAE3HEL, Hop't.

ON JEFFERSONVILLE RAILROAD. MIX LIB A Co., Louiaviile, Ky. XlCXVZOVAIu LIasrtmove4 to Second street, between) Market and JclTursoa streeta., j w ' I J. T l:oX'OVZSVZLZS E. SHRADER'S Sanative Hitters, FiR fllE ClTtE OF SCR0FTLA.: INBIUETION, and EehriU Iiaeaat, HuaU.u'hn.

Coetive-naaTorpidity of the Liver, and a qennral Blood Puriand retail, at fier. Ml BADEll A CO.'

S LI'inor Store, Jyt dtf Market at., pel. Brook and Floyd, Infirmary, jNXedical of which we are ofifrrlna at very low prices, mil dtf a. SHEADER & CO.,.

I WITH ME IN BUSINESS J. Kiuyneis to take effect l ol the firm lllcontinue C. O.!niilH and IwC.

Apparat Walls Rar 320 Main Cabin

1 he t R.ATT iHOADS. FEiiBCABY ' ON AND A FT KB MONDAY, Ml lll run daily (Sundays excepted.) aa fob. EXPBES3 TBAIN aril! Leave LoniiivilU. At S:mTa.11.lac ion. When flagged except Fair t. Grounds, Bace Course, Brownsboro, an.l Be.

Kn.VCJLn.V,a,EBi,ill',u' wilh W Kawgastle; WUEBETWOSEAPFLICTED WITH ANT FOlLM Laarencburg, lUrrdsburg, anil prompt trttai!linl r Versatllea; fop nlVJll'-without rMk or exptwiire, via: Hychiiia, Gouorrhaa, Mi,: fiLexingtoQ via at Payn.' Stricture., L'Uan, Turner, Cancers, for N iPhornsvilh., Danville, Crab trrrrail and aud Coustltuliouul Syphilis, Diseases of the Kidneys, hard, homer-se- t, hKhiuoiid, Mt. Sterling, and all interior Ac, Ac. Eittesa yeara of extensive practice 'cxclasfyuly de foled to the Ireetaieutof thoee cuuiplaiata, enal.ln n.

ACCOMMODATION TBAIN will leav.LoofavlIl at station, wheu llairwed to effect enree lu cases where other ut leas expeia-ucV? As 1; ' f i'l' and rettirnnu. Will leave frank-as Jtr have lailod. Special attentloa rivsa tethe treatment of Nervoaa Vi' sVTrVT'i'rr,vi?, l'UilUi vt:ua. Debility, 1 in potency, tieuiinai Weakneea, iud all those IT arrive, at l.oaiiville nt 7:lu r w at -'- '-PBEltJHT by a sacral of distressing syinpUuua cau-wTHAISS leave youth, which ruiua tha body aud mind, unfitting the te.lne.dsrj and Fridays. Moadaya,.uflt-rofor either busiiwae or society, borne or the tlw-tearly habit, are of the head, FBEKillT TBAINH Wave Lexlmrtan n WUn. Rdecls of Xburiuaya and iSaturdays. Dun lies, of sight, palpitation of the heart, weakiie. Freight ia received.u.l of the back aud limbs, nervousness, dyspepsia, sympr.

Upon the tumd they produce Uui of uo coutiuiou uf, UupresUon of spU ita, evil Daaville, nrrodabnre. Rrtl!Tl5.h 2K'krt timidity, la. Ug, aversion to society, s. ' Oar reiueUiea prev.-u- t an.l cure Nocturnal Eniiaeioiis.,cho'Vll,? Interior, rviow.

Glvu toue to the nerves, strength to the system, aua in the Further information can be h. At the Depot iaand all Boui-ue- r Mai'i ie.1 iuu, or those contemplating marriage, who of Jederson and Brook are luS.-riufrom any of the above malnoiee, BAM ILb OILL, Su1. Permanent and.peedj relief by aa.nfly ean obtain application at our office, MARIETTA ilik.r.i - i; Dr. AND CINCINNATI.

I ' TO TIIK LADIES. BATIEB'S FBENC1I riLbS, asaie aud rrUin i.mnlf t Mn. Ac.Pnc per mail iMMtitire stamp. L trnal fl and one:ra tt.eoad, CAUTION. These Pills shrmld not he need daring preirnaixp, as llwy are anc.ta peniuc.

M.HHipsa seus.y raart toany a.blrea. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW Paitvulsat a dlsUure cau cousult ua by letter, poet.Yor,i Tia MailUdU to C'imiunati, Marietta aad! Age oarsp ibcIu.wI. Cinnnnati, o IfU.

Jli Seeond bfwen Market and connect ions. And Baltimore and Ohio B lr.U, and STOVE EHATE jc.reiRiu. Ait letter, inouia be aa.lre4va Battlniore, Bf7hr.n4h reeelpts ricen Tor freljht U- Hue, tha ' Phila.ielpl.ia-an- d W UALL. New York, by the above al.

Medioal Inflraiars. Louisviile, Ay. I kewest rates, hy yfc. (, BuV(V kN Aj,rut.

OP HOTEL AND FAMILY ANfTACTCBsES No. IM Wall street, up iira, Cook lag Batutea, stove, Grutua, MarLa:ue.l Man Uh aiy.atr Consult Great Kn-lst.

Ware, t opr-rT.r G k tAn- a tles, t'ountry lion. Lln anil IronWsre. Alw, dealers in heet Iron, Copper, Tin DB. TUT Green atreet, between Plata, HkN It Tin, iue.

Wire, Auliniwuy and Tinneni' Cluy aud Sh lty, Lvuisvi'.le. Sroc'ESPULLY DISE'.APFS OF DB.O. TREATSClrildren: Blo all lirms of VeuereaL IVo. An.l '.a Cub as waaatBTkn. The direful ceaaueuco.ul removed. The Eva aud Eaa jy34dtf vapor aiethod. Now treated by the celebrated Paiuk-auaU in IImi U.M.taui ta Loatiuu ami i'aris with great stlcivH.

Particular attention patd to aii iaieast- of l.unga, Cbeto, UverrAo. CvACEa taeraant Hr TKt'.Tr P.ovoef Gt'Aan, 1 ana. Mlula lloat, wunout tha Kuile, aterility reuiove.l -ILouiavilUvKy., Autout 3u.

F iuove.1 lucreaM. El aainily presented autxx PAlst FRt'M COMTANY G, PBOVOST axisva.

The iMiclor sextusie practice iu the lloepi-t.DESERTED of Loiidou and Pari;, enirides hiw lucwre na, i Dr. Augn- t I'.fh. Tl RCELL, aged t y,rs, 9 ci aaui N.aHKli C.' S tioi.len I'uia fc.r suk l feel a tath'4 high, dara 0oiulexlnf brown hair, blue rT tx.x.) Address Box r.i wilh Maine to inMiirw r plv.

Bust reference givm.-N. Private otlioe h.r fjfM, hit a.h lonn.-v- i ii.ik. M ANUFACCRFD HY THE. T.:wi-i Align! Amnw avi.t Me.lieme. An lh PLAPPABP CON LEY.

Ag.-?5 Olttce open fn.ui & A. Tl7 trealM.iit.1 high, dark compl.-vioii-, Armiv ( Inr urn I M.1I.), Liuvilh-Ky. Blue ev-, l hair, h.- vmi Augiiit Iitli, NEW HAVEN. CONN ECT It'l l. MIKE W KI.-I- I, iiji.- l yniN,.1

Iaasae.1 bp mail or axares. Lo all parts ol th. Lu hiKh, Uurk voatpUiaius.

BWk bjir, black ryen, 'PniS l NEW HI VI. E IS TIIE BEST F.VEB OFFEB. 1 ed t; Mi the put.

CLARK,I ae- d 2.1 years, a ol it-. Hise r.-r piMlm.-i-.i f vreal.- r let 3 inches hiifli, bLe k ha.r, ha.

Dark.i,acy aadl.inn. Lily Ihauat.y olh.- Iw iiileeu cl.x.4 c. V.ih.ul rviuoving M Thn ueunl rewar.1 will be pnil for their arreei. By fem the.boulder, or hiiw ana, in.MU iUin onlerof Mitior!Vlhv ll.rn.-v-.

Aecon.b.; aud.1 can I reloaded hllreu, U tri- ' CIIAl:l.Kr tiKi PliU. An'.Mlf to km. Eth-ab.ul tl.e i.i.i ii tak.-bi.- '. COR.i:it MAIN AND FIFTIT STREETS, with a.nuib- hr.- la REWARD.

Wiv lmoe lit. H hor,-rel-,m h and cairns a iiuai b;Ui.Ci to luv CouLsville, f ittuok.v. WAY FROM.u.i. The 1 C ANAham rmmlv, THE sritCKIBER.lN a X?

Penetration 4 hll TMI'OUTEB OF AND DEALER IN SADDLERY u yar K 3 k v, ) lUe lull Jul), ia, ag-'.- l I Ii.r iware, Hartley Monntingi, Trunk, aud t'oacA iu.:hee; aud it carries with f ree sulUi i.' L at Ke?rr- aiaa named Maritn I r. L.ur.i-., Jt., weight IN. I., fur I 1 SivtB k Ha.1 on i very black and very now-ie'iuh ih.w receiving mw Fall Block, which will he str-i-Denotwhere sales. Ua, all lovers ot g, khI Bifla ar7 id., V lltvilrd tO Clothing, and no doubt will try to gi to lli., JKu ii.' Bdm.inast and best sclavied stuck ol Ot.ais In my call ami evaiu.ue the ar OliKk;'.a has ever market. Beeu imported ia this aati, jyVdA w3m W M.

1 wuLld invito Biy old g I will eive the above rewr4 4 liken i.t of t y9 Ainl. Cualouiei., au.t the trade, n, if taken in the Httte, M:or.l n,l ex:iiiiu.e my i. K, wtikb 1 am SUle, and.

Hied to sell at l Go-hBALPU B. TAKI.KIt s Pueloittc, ky. R.nnol fall to weurs me My slock th-beat trade that p t(, ket. JTl'ltl Second.treet, U taeen Main aad SI. SeC the following ai ticWs. IVwtHie ireee; rpua nasr WHISKY.

I Hri.lle LeatlHrw:.::l. HriMe do; JKFFPHvSON, i,::':L.R:suD LCNi Uevcry day al lu.

Lork HurravK Hrnr.xklB; J. LITIIIiUIV & CO.,. ' the fbjsiclan, SIXTY SHOTS PER MINUTE. 302, coiner or JIain anil Tltirtl Ktrectt. LVnrcroom ih:si:iiti:i). IITVR'WS vn yar, PATEXT REPEATING- RIF New Ilaven rn! Company, m,t.a, EDWARD STOKES, 445 8100 r'.

Li hir, imtj Korby's Saloon., iT.' Jg iHimnwinvwYui autreeienu rir.i ecvY.-tsXT EE PS CONSTANTLY ON.HAND J KdK'E iv i.ran.ra ot nauawna aati nr nam ar t.iAuufac tuars' price. Orders from the trade respectfully solir-it- e A ta3, - aitr. AH KKTAIL DIALBBS IH PAS- Olaango of Timo. ' Beat Diakec, warranted. WHOCKSALa A i, 11, STAY ) j.'

F ' li Miillf Tr,n l' 'ii.' BE1 Castings, Sugar Kettles.


A THOSE AfrLICTEn WITH anv.I fklVilt wiurruwi, F tiUx t, Mncture. Pruuary or fl.MVni' V J neoontiary, aypaili.H iWnunai i.ri.i.iii'M, v. Liuuul.iii v. Wuiiuy, flBAINS WILL LEAVE JEFFEB30N VILLI X.

Opp.ite Louinville, at or anv riAND llhUU Vl'UH'K P. 7 4 diaoaae of thebefore in. Or Iin part '1Ki Orgaaa, 3:00 T. EXPBEM EAST-TrVie 'the aecret to any on ahoul. (,uiidao' excvpieji cnnwiing at Syaioor with Ttmiis ou the t'hio aud Kilru.d fog sent by mail to any address on reoelpt iexual Cincinnati, Colunilim, New tork, Bostoa, Philaot one three ceut postage stamp. Tina work coutaias delphia, Baltimore, and all Eastern Cities, and at much valqabhv Uitortnatiuu nuiai before published, wilh the LineforCleve-Uu4AV.V.f PUBCHAFED TIIE f Hi. Bar BEMOYED TO THE NEW WAREn&TSE IB.f i.oi.wi, and the lumw it M.raeref Mainand neally Btte4 lip thrraiRuopt.

T the natron of the HAVE. We will pay the high! Market Dm tor all kiada of houx ami In.Id l. At our atore or any rood ahippHia' home at the Antelope, and will Orain, ieliven-tbat tin-itrr-tinon the Ohio Kiver. Point pUd to aee all there. Uk a a toftf.

Ael3 Ii TH; the name uf J. Ltihxow a Co. MONSCH, Agent. Ir t o nuih- epait PRIVATE MEDICAL DISPENSARY (.'

Kirsyma Plaa, Blacksmiths' Tools. From ji t p.iblihd an KKNTICKY.

I which every Aotroloirical ll.N.k can tell their liae devolwl niiM-t- i timo aad PATENT MICA CIIIMNEVS, FOB D)L OIL ownforlune; and a ES, M ARf ONl'MENTH, TOM HANI) II EA!STOX of.Marblel.amnK. WarTMlifefl not to to it the pahlic n.vv reet atmamt it ia a and ev.-r.le Uiitl-aelnd, nAw h pri. Ei., and fall mitUfrti.1 WM.KJE CO., Kultittat. BH.k., iIih like of winchand a ne twn prinlral oa the work, fin ib 'd al leavn, in a month acinceor Arr.iv. all wbo from thia AVtH, t ben-lor- k t.kotda.n Chimneys.

Ui ii' ijj, Hi n.-i in- i i. Omre No:' i HAVE A LAKGK STOCK OF LAM I'D lt)R.ViaEiel.ib ativt, Louipi!l where thev can tJ. VK vv biiruini coal oil w ilk out a Inn.nev.

Aeln dim elOd. Fre-oi-,' Copartnership Notice, Baltimore Oyster Depot, n No.;, We have a fenrral aasortraent.' AYE OLD ESTABLISHED BROTHERS, l, Cordage &. Tha Cnatom Ilouee, LOUls5TILLE,Kr. JyZMtf BiTLbzbtnina Boda put up to order. Market at., above Ilrook, north aide iyldtl LOUIiVILLE. ( j AND Looiaviile, as follows; AOO A.

CHICAGO EXPRE9S-Da- ily except nn- maMiig ciinwt ronneciion al.11 itcavil wita 'Vii. FUilroa.1 fhr the O. Louis, Cain., audi th. et V v r. M.; also at Ureea Ciutle Junction with the T.atlC Hailroad. Eaat and Weet; nl LalnyrH with the W.

Tan and West, T. A and at Michhiaa and of the luoat vital to the health ana happiaeas of every individual, lolh mula aud lemaW.

It cou tain an elan.rale.treaties vu Ilia Various te the Ueiiitui tr,'ana ol both ecxra lt seiner Willi I let ol Item.' .IW!, ITlcrS. T THE LiDIES.

We are amenta for Mad. Car BluMTHl.r 1 ll.La. A aale aud ertetuaJ aiuul r Whisky, Brandy, Wines, &c. Verandah., rire and Rurplar Proof Safes, Iron Jails, tic, Buj U.

Safes, HAMi'raniarm or KV. SOLICITED AND. SuiuaU roc rayaiaatura aiU etkers eJJe. Iron Railing, ft., bet.

Third and ronrth, LOUISVILLE, hird at met, la't. Main and Market (Succeasor to Mead A Bro.) DR. OS 4, belletontaine FiitHbiirg. 1'hiboMr.hia, Baltimore, and all the pvincipftl cities in the kaet; also with Traine on the Tera Haute an.l Lalayette Uaiiroa.ia (or iwiul ht. Louis, Chicago.

K.k Islnud, Vniueey, rianni-bn- l, St. Joseph and all the other principal Cities ia the West an.l Northw. M.N lull T EX PK ESS Daily (Satordaye sx- mill of rreinelytvaH winirt.aa., entjl as lrruaularitles. Ceptedi, at Seymour with Trains oa th.

Woeirnctions ol the aieoata, v nuoa, c rrice by UbN and i Kailroad for Cincinnati and i mail, f l and one postage stamp. ' all Eastern ciiks; at Indianapolis with tbe Belle, aVlAUTW. Theee filla ahould not De taken during Line and Indiana Kuilroad lop Bxew'UVKy, aa tb.y are fure t prodnr. MitHarriae.Toledo, Detroit, tlcvcland. La Cruix E.c.ncH PaiVlNTrVK, nuitimore, ana all point, in By their use married lathee may limit the num- 'h the ha.vl; tl.e liiicinnati and Chica.' Oer vi ti.Kir otmpnug at picanure wiinout tne el Terre Usui., aud Uichmoud and La. Danger of utiury to hlth.

Tbey act l y prevButian inyri.e naiinabia lor t. Nieavo, Paul, St. Joseph place.

Otis boa will UttL fur fsara. I'ruo by nuul, - a.ol top.tage stamps. IfeiBrtiea wiH ef.Uia' mo.h valuable kiferuatioa ty 9L1IT0N JOHNSON, Agent. Reatliiag onr New Tieatiae. A jyll ' a rs. Persous wishing to cousult ue personally oa any of the alove ili4eaea will liud us at our otttce, north-eas- t orwf Third ausi Market atreeta vrivate eutnuxa ua LODISVULE AND FRANKFORT lhird.treet, from S a. A., ao tru Hut AND and I to r.

M.l Suudays from 8 to 11 a. No charge (or aaitltauoQ axamiaatioua. Coasaltatiou LEXINGTON AND FRANKFORT rooms entirely prtvaie. 'Solrecf ia ail caae. Acklnjss aU, loiters to rvIuleiNails.

Hammered, bet( make. Fairbanks'a1 Scales. Of tbl are tr Plbwmalersr Materials. 1U11EURMUMI, St. I '&L Wlng, Moldboarda, Handle, Ac ' t.l, pattern I.nin keir Burdea'a haproved Ureeraaieat Borae PImw. Sou ka- Mule Sboee. IrOUlttTlIsIsE, ALBANY AXD CIIICAC.O Pr.prlet.ra.

Bolts, Rivets and Washers, CASEJ4 X UK. IU G, Muslin Delaine.JlsT Ofl JJ. Rax VATSMHLKK Jt 10 DZSQASBS. Anvils, Bellow, Hamtnera, Ac. &, 33210., Rank Vault, JOHN II. COLDWAY, h- Dogs.

Lfn, EOB TUB CUBE OP ALL: n Kera, rompritti? T He remiw4 lieia 3.1 to iiiir, ToUmto, Hnrrnl, Wroufc-hAlao, Cut aud v roulit spikea.

Wivw' a?iiS2 TEN CENTS,.1' JL tuna ao'H.rleJ, aapiriur, earranteiL Horse rt ai'auv3'i' 2 RAILROAD. Varteueile, aud Ily.lroele, Lliaeaaea of the Iviuneya, llaldr WITUtlt'T M E IU; t lit' I contaiuiiieavaliwbletreatiaaon i1.' I'i'i.; h malady e,h1 'J?I' youtU,EMINALWEAKNE8S, v;',J Voctnmal fcmiaaiona.SeXuel le-.

Impoteiicy,.A' c, tbe S D,l,t JT crt (nfiruiitiee of youth arul '4 '; matnrttv ariaina from the Imi-anl halit of To which ia added oheerva-ttunaEK.HALk. L'lEASEb, and other interesting matter of the uunust iuieortaou to the uarrieil, and tlioae couteuipliUin marriage, wbo eutertaia ilooi-t-. Ot their phaual ability to ecUr that.Late. Sunt to ar.y a.ldrea in a aeaie4 wrapper, ou receipt Ot feu Uenta or lour.tain a.

' 1'hoaa all'iicteu with any of tbe above Jl.ramis be-lplaxiui t I vea uuder the treatuiuut c? Any eue, ahould firat read thia work.

Me.levote our entire time ana attention to the treat ut. The varioua private aiaeaaee treate.1 of ia ear.

Our liiapeiiaary ia the ouly IuMtiiutloa of the ku.d iu America wlncli haa been eatabli.Ut.- by a are cml charter, aud thia.h.uld give it a pteferen.-over tbe Variou. Of doubtful character U be.mid in all Inrim citiua. TO rEUALES.-Xpeci- al attention given to all 4ia-aiof Eemalee. DEW EKSF REtil LATOR PILLS-K- or Eeuiale Ooalructiona,. Married IaUie 111 lrreatularilMas I hey rlaiu attuMtione ahould Dot use them, wIJ 1 oueby amaiLa aalAua.

Price f I per bos,aaaaU aiajr be ut UAUN'S PREVENTIVE An InvalnaMe ar-t- u lKAy.tliuav lo aiahiuf to limi tbe uiuuUr ol tbiar j'Tiprtiiu, or the barren who rh.Mreu: Warrai.7-a.- 1 not to injure the health. The l'reveutive, which will laat for a liletime, will he aeiit to any aiMresa under thoreuiipt ef thn price TWO ImiLLABS. PAllENTS AT A rISTANtE-B- y sending a Iriel.tatenieut uf their aymptoiua, will receive a Blank Chart containiUK a lint of qurntioua, our term, for tl.e Bourse of treatment, Ac.

Medicine, sent to any part et- t couutry to ears any caan at houe. Free from damage or cnrKmlty. Who le a reanlar fYadaate lut C onauiling of one of tl.e Brat Institution of the country, and ol lur'aeip. Riem- in the treatment of Venereal IliHeaaea, til eive his personal atkrattoa to othce pattenta during any hour of the day or evening. Aal.xnniluatiiMas.trirtly private an.l free of tbarue. Ait iifth aUe, Utweaa Market and Jefferson, weat auk.

' To insure safety te all letters, direr to UALaOi 8 HEAD lI.HPEJiaABT, sahl9.l t wis Drawer 847. Louiaville, ky. SALE THE VVt Springs and Axles. IeOeraoU roll No.

S COLLEGE 8T XXAB CUl'UCH, N AM II VII. Dual air3 Frtb no 31 A.Nl We have a large atock of Manilla on band. General Produce and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, price. Have on band and am recHvtnir lots.f Cood, which are oflVred at leaa than prevent roet of luaniiHunnriiiK, to clone coiieicntneDia.

1 iA L.Lr, 4Jn Jvain elreet, npniLain. Uetween and Fifth atreeta, Ml6 dtf IniviUe. Call eoca at jewelry 'W mark.-tUm Afente thrt ineee euperior beiiieeaau scale iMania; aarraaivu Market. CONN03.: FOR THE SALE OF SHOES BOOTS, o.r.Hixtb A ONLY PCBLISBED-BBI- CB MERCHANTS, STORK. TItANSPORTA TION.

(Jalen's Head Dispensary, S tccl, Hollow-war- Manufactory WOtTLD FIND IT TO usance will be making their LOUISVILLF, KY. Ltlrchbunl X.

Au.;i JAZVZSS TREAST. Saddles, Ilirnm, Hrldlcs, Collars, IiOTJIS AND MANVEACTCREK-, II AVK IN I lowing: V 8TOKM.) BADDLEHY;medical. Slain and Third Nt.,0l w pounda Tea, Wholeaule and retaiL th.-i-, ibop HMf Vi, XiJ patronaex. KERGPSOJf A SOK, Fifib treet, one. D.Kr eortb of Market. PEVT CLOTH FOB SALE AND TENTS BIADI TO X order. ' CONSIGNMENTS.

I Sealed proposal will b received at the City Engineer's Office till 12 v., on lues-da- y the 7th inet., for improving the market space between Floyd and Preston streets. Specifications on file in said office.

Usual security required. Mayor's Office, Oct. D id A l ET.r.OAXT HOTEL IS OS PlXTn STUEV.T, nmr Mair, anE h nnderrmu( a thorough rent una'. The 1'ioprieu.r hvipa by prompt artne.u, (mm1 and moderate billa to hate a liberal al.are of pul.lic l i LN - S. At Horse & IVIulc Shoes. Proprietor;' 'PHIS L; t r.Naahville, I Ate OTTER CREEK MILLS No. 312 Main Chief Quartermaster's Office, OtrrtcK thb ADaJtaAULmswaCoiiraHr, lie, 2, l.ui ) Lonisville, Ky., Oct.

ANU X)VSEBS t)V FREIGHT Now Parlies are daily presenting bills to this SIIUTEKS d.ftuiiii Ux Naxhtille and ntlir are r.ij.H-nto call for it, office for ifpiir?, hire of El.ofw, purchase of poll. South.1 lAmi-ian it lirhl at risk r'm thi d:ite. Fuel and forage, kc., tigned by the various esnid t. Regimental quartermasters in and near this Tom Thumb Iiaraps. Notice is hereby given to all conHtVK A LARGE cerned ihat such orders ud TTEhiht Laui.

Ue hTo'K ii TOM THUMB nt f t. L.!, W in.hKKNE A Co., clit n.w ' parties are varued net 'to act ou acv Euch Kiilhil. Masters in 11, iB rdert. Ther-arc TUch Parlor citr whose duty it is to supply tiie want- of 'THE FINEST LAMPS FOB Xamps.COAL HI L Bl'BNIXU the va. Ioiis regiments, and their orders only the c.uutry. HKKKK A CO., rMillitt ct.

R'.ll it, n.1 W. Jenkins, must be recogniird. LYttca Chimneys.

' i portalioua, fur aale LAXUAM Ya of Traa, Ac.v '5TOTJ2STG. T yn LEON PLANTERS' HOTEL.

Dwly, FRIDIY, THE?t.tb INHT., ON nd biu'ify to a (totitieiuau to n. Notice to Bowlder. Pavers, cash made an:- J. Impiti au4 A.nti'Himbug FAMILY FLOUR.

JOHNSTON, Iron and Ilour, Grain, Xork, Nails and Spikes. Loo zacsiSa:. L,li ASSORTMENT OF nnnATF a FrLL fireeu Teaa, erlerted choioeBlark and Moat Central HouieJ: kI, PI4LIKII TEAS!

THR BEST IN THE MARKET. Roper' b Com-'Mna.1 PaUnta. BELKNAP & C0J,' & CO., a) W. AND D E A L t' R IN Vij' i' MoremeBta, Orlainal Tranavereelibuttle, and I'eriplmry CUmp tue4-hue!

M'HESE BEWtVO MACHINES COMBINE TnR X nioet recrn I Buprovententa, era nearly nnl lwe when in operation, run itb th greateat rnM and rar pnraoaea aud pidit v, and are better adapt ed tor liiniifv than any otlo r. Y are uot liahle to not are ale. Aea exeee.tini'Iy aim they aad everyawule ea varh-ido P.r'tnlv fi t real practical uuiily; oj awinc, from the fiio-i- t roeu tixaiie to the heatioat tailoring and line leather work Any ferava may ter ttBemie like hi iu a very abort 1 HI. The (Trent difllmlty with all other,o mix a iunlnl la loo aia a roa plication, ai.u.tuiaiit, nud am- aa Mliiotint ei 4Uotbuial.kill t une t h, ui to a.lvuUo,e, aa to remU-and tretn of lirtler4nparalive value. But the towing Niwhinee ma uufnr lured by tlroen-ma- n A Trite are a. Ehjell.rti.-, aa any liald In lln-eperaoti, on even a n.omnt'a exiuninatioik, will readily diarover. 'They will en me aad tuh- r eMark than any ether Machine evet ollrn- d the pnl.lic, rnaiuii?

The tn.wt beaiililul on both.i.Ut. I apeviutt-of et' (r an aud you will thou alikeins uponlaany Biatrial you wuib, eee mow it done. ' ' ' AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN.

't t W Please addrrsa or call oa ua-atit-et-, Below SUth alreet. CIG Market VOShHWMLSTS.

FeM Third J orchants, street,!M! WARRANTED THE CONTl.NLK 21.

TO C '- Scvihs maehine! - XVZalt at H. A MEBCIIANT3 t:i.

MAIN STREET, TW O DOOB3 ABOVE TOIBD, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING PB8. HkMtl JAMU dertne atyte wfj A Bin A. LoolevtlU, H arrh Isth. I HOTEL, I nid3 I Tin Foils, dT. Rpui VNDEBSIUMED.lull.VILL I, Nk X biiaiiMM at the old ' Capt. Ass't Quartermaster in Charge. CHEMICAL W0EKS.

'7 COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE (0U3TABUSUI) WAREHOUSE.). (SUCCESSOR AND VENEREAL INFIRMARY, atrttifht-Lin- e APOTHECARY, K. SNUFF ioulavlllo, LOUISVILLE J TOBACCO, Chartered bj the Legislature of Ky. Louis, Chicago & Detroit. For the Cure of all Priyate Diieait. SJuaar 'W JJI.' IIIH it: STORE PtlLtB nt 13 Afuaort SmUtm.

Hert4-aft- AND WlLlTlil'VIIES IIAIL AOESTS XQ& CoDtalnlna Sixty Urg PagM. And Thirty Tine Plate, and Engraving of tbe Anatomy and PJivioloy of the SexuaJ UrKaus la a.lata of Health aud I'inaen. ON A NEW METHOD VT treatina Vk.NESCAL HUI1.S. ES, incliidius: yphilia iu all it. V etape Uonwrriieej, tileet. Btric-Ellas Ilcwe, hoUiaaie V.

By direction of Buell, commanding the Army of the Ohio, the i'W Music by Kxprow. Undersigned assumes control of the QuarT HAVK JUST UECEIVklD PER KXPBHSM A lot tt new Muaic, arnonc which will be termaster's Department in this city.

All I FrankTort, Kv.' Io4iua imo loilowtiix: officers of the Quartermaster's Department vocal. TTTE H A VIC LEASKDTIIK I'A PITAL IIOTPT.

MR Orow.y Tolka, by K. I'.rrer, now on dufy in the city will immediately r' a t.

Nil of yeara. It ia iinixxtjaiiary to anymore Hippy Be Thy.,.mk. Lrenur, T hotuaa report by writing the nature of the duties toIt frii'udx.

And to tlioae who have oar in t lie I II Follow 1 aj x h,ofi meiuer.Home, Glover,. Toppuif Ht I lie (pital, triitn that it t onriaifutinn now under their charge, in order that an to try and keep iUcL a JJutcl as v. L cive IVo Th.-at Think -., Little Mumie, Ianka.

Equitable distribution of labor may be as- to our guesia. HuDG KS, May Leou, AlciauKhton. Signed to each officer. Officers of the DeP. CrutcLer will hav cuarge of the oflic. ITBl'M ENTAL.

Partment now iu thecity, or who may Jewish '1Ved.ItnK ( Valiw de fcalon), B. Rlchar(li.V: and in I IjOV in May, tXnten. Frankfort, ky.

May mylSdlwtf A arrive, awaiting orders, will report in La Ituyiidcre, LvU-rperson for assignment to duty. Horse aDd Bugg y IVZissing-. Major-Gener- '.

( GLASSWARE, A MEDICAL KEPORT, ui Uart and I in llir, Liguor. And ranry Ac, at Louisville, ky., under tae tuuu and atyte if IIAUT A CLAUal, e. Thia tlay diaaolvvl ly HOUSE-FURNISHIGOODS. Mutual conwiit, the lUa k and flxturea lii. Lakt- ty BE APT Y AND Jamee A. Clark, who will continue thn buaiiMMM, and 1 fl FOR OPANTITT, QCAL1TY. Uaiiry ll.irt cU.xl the M) Eg UAL.

TUlSliOl At d'I will lar pleiuw'd to allShi UA& old cu.toLuera, up the atlaira iaofentitled topartuernip. Debta aud eetlie the late of my For aale only by OrncK or the Thankii Inkpbanur Compant r ( LofUVILtK, Apnl 7, 1M.

J A HOLERS, VTday MKETI NGa OF STOCK aa.l twelve nrLD THIS to kvt rrei.Uut lirwtra to rva the preecot year, tit toUoa iujf KvoUeuie. Wr July elected: JAHES TKACDE, Preaident.



(A w MU CHEMICAIS. LAIELT ' mm atreeta. Trimming Goods, Proprietor. 33roolt Stroot, JEITEItsOX II A BEEN a. Iniiini an.i inar.Mi m m moat Modern atyle. Tak.-The pn.prl.-tothU mmlinl f hra many frlemU and patroh that on Thunwliiy, AiikumI 7th,.'

-icKulr dinner. I'mu- r huura Iron. Warm nuaUal all hoar.-, In. Iialine not I2t.3 vt.tla, or err- t read rf red. Alao, th Ladioa' lUt -m ma vatauiuuiiueni naa luiely l '.n a now.


Fourth mU J'frr jew Me if la. R promptly attmileil to. AVwrhvU Ian.' IFreecriptiooa looipoaadod by expeV Le-ThW anal Fourth.'

DEALER AND IMPOBTKB IN ' o.323 Fourth street, between Market and Jefferson,- HOUSE. ' Leaf and Havana, Killiklnlrk and TnrLieh Hmuklu, and I'liie-r- ot Uental Materials, Gold Oil-Cloth- null T or DUl BBBfiS Of-11- I7o. 433 ZXain street, between Fifth and Sixth, V I I'iTiT7, Eal'5T. Seed a GOLDMAN FKEUEU1CK HOUSE, - ALSO Adjoining Bank of Louisville, fck'raiM ar & aid i3 MOZART HALL HiOBl TIIEIB OLD tTAND REMOVED EATING Cigars and Tobacco, u3 O Co. 603 Jefferson street, opposite Courthouse, and Domestic Cigars.

Kt'BCIUHEU KrHI'KPTrTLLT IKKOUM8 tin' peopki of I.iitcvillu aiwl vicinity Unit nhf ii.ut Moip mi Itlark. T atr.vt, IM'I h ik-i.U3, wmiIIi id', botwrt- Third and Kt.iirtb. Tier ai.K-k-, the ui.wt rWm.t and varied frrcxkil Ited in tLiV city, coiihUta a lai jfo and aclt-c- t umi-lu- f lit of CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, INKANTS' MUXsKS, IIEAD.DItE.SSK8, UOSIEKT, WOOLKN GOODS, HATS, EIUBOSiS, TOILKT. AUTICLES, I KUFLilKKV, And every vari.


Ty of NOTIONS and FANCY GOODS. Septl6dlm MADAMKM. Third and ronrth, Bitltai t. DINQFELDER 320 Main St., SAJLVE!

QUALTTT OF PITTSBURO GOAL AT THE loweat market piles. Alao, ate.AC'U uui i u COAL, niu.' H lower rale, by J. A pent, ' nenz tbe ooruer of Third and Maia. P7dlf ' Ii NdxAvent.

HAVE COXSTAKTLY TKST d7 ruhl,' MILITARY.:.GOODSLadles Dress Trinuiings, FrLngs, Ac; CARRIAGE ritlNClES, TAILORS' GIMP, CORDS AND TASSELS, Swords, Delta, Sashes, Epauletfn, Metal and Embroidered Shoulder Straps, ' Sword Knots, Buttons of every Description. KENTUCKY K iial- -, lurirld 'mad. B I' ri FOR SALE, AT CHEAPEST BATES. A ON HASH AKD TOH the I'm. Burs and Pom.

Roy Coal, at the OFFEB and well aoited atock ot Market prion, n onlen. F cnltiv klilN( n BROTHER. Deadly Orrtr Corner Market and 1'iveton Havana ric, iaam.i.djii.wii WAR! WA&t rnKr-AREI- ) t.

On hand a food aap-Conatatitly COAL, which, tor kiichrn, pai lur or cUaintwr uw, baa no Third treet, between Market and rXffloea Jeflcrw.u, at lU.Hn old ktaud, and U aouiawwi oor ) dtf. Of Br.M.k and 3larkei Iie-r 1 WATER WORKS. Harnea' eelu)rata.l barton AU and Porter for aale In barrels, hall l.arr. And in bolt l.n.

500,000 CIGAES. GREENMAN & TltUE'S - NEW SHUTTLE ' ' M. CO.,:t Where tt.ey will 1m? Ptiuicd to wait n ll.n'r fnoiidk ana cimuttnora.

Uuve on hand a luree a. A complete Motkot iK'iiiiHtic Ci.hmIk, (.m l. A li'catlicd and l, all widilm, Irinl. Lii.-and Miirt Jf'ioula, vtiiii wa vflt- to anil ml tue toweat market pi ice. Gressional District: ' Call and exututne our atix-k-.

Whikeas, James S.Jackson, member of jyZ7UU tLPKU A GOLDWAS. Congress elect from the Second Congressional District, has resigned his Baid othce. Now, therefore, I, James F. Hobinson, Governor of the 6aid Commonwealth, do hereby direct that an election be held in CniFF QlTARTEK MASTER'S OFFICE, Louisville, Ky., Oct.

Apparat walls rar 320 main restaurant

Plyoltbe I'MIii.H On lb EXeCCTIVE DfPARTMEXT. To the Sheriffs of the counties of Christian, Henderson, Muhlenberg, Daviess, Ohio, Hancock, Jircckinridye Butler, Grayson and McLean, composing the Second Con-RIER8 FOR ANT OF THB ABOVK OOAL8 rwpectfully aoliriled and promptly tiled at tlx t It riniE nrrrnKST muck in cash will bk paid lowest a. Ivr ally qiiiiiir7 ii nay, aei.vvrq ua t JJAVK ' J TTK ) said counties at the several places of voting therein, autl.orixed by law, on Monday, the 27th day of October, 1W.V2, for the electiou of a member of Congress for said district, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the said James 6.

Jackson; and that you cause polls to be opened in your said counties and precincts accordingly, and proceed to conduct and make due return of said election, in the mode and manner pi by law. N testimony whereof I have V hereunto L.

Set my hand and caused 4 the seal of the Commonwealth to be affixed, at Louisville, the 2Vth day of September, A. 1802, and in the 71st year of the Commonwealth.

Ky the Governor: D. Wicklifff, Secretary of State. EWdte AND Sole Agents for the romeroj Coal.

' r wivo a rraaaia.! 416 Main St., feWM. Pittsburg and Pejtona Cannel Coal, - 'atKi - v, COAL!

IMPOBTEBS i -t 'k- AKTllia rKTBK. BlTJGGlSTS V Coal! Li RESTAURANT, Fifth Mrrrt, tel. Mala aul Markru. K BECEIVKD rrJCI.tHA.f Ov- JI ST tt,o ii. BY KXI BESS A 1? Ri in Our Bttnarant in alaura auealuvl with lharh., treat of Uaruo, t ub and aR other li.;k u.

KtrKIt a C i., I'roprietora. ' TT-tr- Wt ASi TIIC FIRST OT TIIK SKASOtf, at Tne raSTE JEWELRY to u FHTIV III r.cocaaeoas PAINTS,:QILS,. HiI, North Caboliha, July 4, 1862. I hope My dear Son: rpHE NEXT SESSION OF THIS INSTITUTHtN irl these lines will find you doing as well as a X will colli ineuoe nu the hint Uuuday lu, poor soldier can. 1 have good news to write 4 tkt FAfl'I.TV., you. We have examined your age, and find D.

CAMPPKLL, LI. 1, Vuoldeut and Froh-aaoOf every toect iptiou. ' Alao, duala iu riltsharz and Youshloshcnr Coal, of Blental an4 alorHl rvieiK. You were born on the lSth of July, 1841, DANFoUli THOMAS, A.

U., I'roluaaor of tlta Urtwk WIdaMtl and retail to ault ctinUHnr. O3 w I Jt f Watches, Clocks, Silverware, and nil L.atia Iju.iircw. Consequently the law wou t catch Nan-ra- l K. Show the enclosed certificate of your J.

Proteaorof Of MwUeuiat.o', Fancy Goods, lUitKKU, A. M., I'loteaaor Mecnauiea auu AKtroi.oiuy. Age to your Colonel, and come home, as you In variety.

To carry thia Institution T AM COVSTASTLT IW RECEIPT Of 8TB1CTLT TIia Trti.are have a right. They say they have pressed vif.roiiny lUrotiKh tha rewnt crinu lu lh aOitira 4 X MCBLKKEb and repaltipff a fpecial attention and l'itlburmarket, Youhki(oar COAL,- M a. Twe and Jewlry. Riven torlranlnr (or yflwra pari Thoae who hate all over and under the conscript age for the couutry. I l.uf;h the Mtudei.t ill If u.hxm.' I1 ui.nwl exDn-KMltor thlH tn.iu the noted Iiyill find him lully able Uere nun h fewer than they have Item in tidn o.'

Peace, el alt' mii.ea. Which 1 otter In lot to ant the buyer, at jrivea him their runlom ninety days longer. When that is out, withncua Fatuity and the ad van I a ilea ot tM tlm Iimm.1 Clarke i price, aihii, tua uarimra JOHN J. Mbll eome home, for you have as good a right to couiliU'te.ilrary and riiilohii'al and C'heiniiwl whicb imtiaii a any tor cm.kii. Ml'Ul'UV, No. Third et, come as any of the rest.

Though, I suppose, AppHratnc in tl.e countrymany lioued alair t laaa will l or lew, however. I ron ISKFIL IS WELL AS 0RXAMEXTAL in alteiidMine. Main and Market, eaat ai.W r4 they will make eome other law to hold jou if deuce permiltiug, the College w ill f.mhi a UHiial.

C MiVALLA.hoc'f. They can, for thev have broken three pledges u27d-'Georavtown, Ky., Aujr. 12, already: 1.

To let you all come Lome wheu KENDRICK'S. Vvrsstts T W. I1K1GGS A CO. AIhiPT THIS your twelve months were out.

If you iM method of informing tl.-i- r ruatom.-n-. And I he 225 Third street, beU Main and Market puolio g.Hierally that tin y hae l hand liMli buahel would enlist, the? Would give all furloughs 7 Orem ttrtH, bH. TUrd and Fimrik, So.

Il ktw iimI atrictly I'lltburr Coal, whi.' H they oiler to eome home.

On the ICth they would eitlwY rlM.Iaai or retail, to auit ciatu.ii.eea at anra MT STOCK or wHOltSAll ARB RITA It BlAlEI II All IMPOITtl Of WATCH F. To auit tha, tuna. Furrluurn would do well to rail at let off all under and over age. They have th.-iJEWELBT.

IX, MmrtHttir, BKTwrr Kiar -KILTCRARD not and will not fulfill one of these solemu HAVANA CIGARS &VA. TOBACCO ANB bCOONU.

Iuaoii PLATED Witt FKJijj VOtl bALK IN LOTS TO bL lT I'lK pledges. They are not going to do anything OIthaaer Waa never tetter ttian at prearnf, and oflcreU on aa 0LMSTEAD & 0'CONNOB, t'4 trme aa ran be found im the

M atUa they eay they will, if they can help it, lor entirely bew. Call and tiaiulne. DWsdAw tislCCKadORS TO JOS.

Now 300,000 Havana & Domestic Cigars, they know they ave badly whipped. Li.t I INFORM' EEsrEtTFL'LLT 1 hie friends and acquaint altera, and the pill. Lie ra- l KSSHS. KoHh,KT8aCO (OK TIIK I I KM Or ermily, tbat tie haa jiut up and fiK- J on but own 111 T. Liriv'c A I ) i In inl.rtu their tl account, Jewelry'-'it-, on the eaal ante id and tlie nul.lli-ciwrally tliat lh-? Atlll vrenfr tl.o Third ain-etllarkrt, aa.l )ftl.e tmiTljr.axupiad bj Mtar.

Urik'a-I., Walker'a City one d.r front ia prepared to adjolnlnc Excbai.(e. He manufacmiih jwoim, No. I Mut t, t rhTtf tli.v will k.i p rmitttaHtlr urn naniTa full aiifpln ture ali lunu treat tanety. Fresh Shell Oysters. JEWELRY STORE. TTATt-r- jjiiBdair. Ml.rie,n.t.tlv on haul.

Idt AM.imi.:,','i audtX.AIPLVTE AMOKTMEN'T FUAT fKATHlRASMITB ' - S, Main street.

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