Artoolkit Installation Tutorial

Posted on by  admin
Artoolkit Installation Tutorial
  1. Artoolkit


First, let me know what dev platform you will be using Android Studio (AS) IDE on - the two supported platforms are Windows 10/8.1 or Mac OS X 9+. Install tsweb windows 7. Next, I would recommend the you clone this repo instead of relying on the download SDK (because you are guaranteed to get the latest and greatest). Next, after you clone a local repo, go get this document: your local repo root/AndroidStudioProjects/Docs/ASMigration.pdf. There is more information then you in this doc but after you download and install the AS IDE, the Android SDK and the Android NDK, follow the instructions related to Gradle, the build system that the AS IDE uses and how to build the Android ARTK dependencies that are used by the AndroidStudioProject example apps. Let's also move this thread over to.

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